New Forest National Park Authority Landscape Action Plan Draft 2013 Consultation

I have recently received, via email, this disturbing information which I will pass on to you concerning the New Forest National Park Authority Landscape Action Plan Draft2013 Consultation Paper.

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Latest update: May 2013 - this follows on from my email to the Rt Hon Desmond Swayne TD MP and also my email highlighting just some errors I felt should be addressed before this document went any further. Here is the latest reply from the NFNPA

"Consultation draft Landscape Action Plan and Landscape Character Assessment

If you had any further points to make on the above consultation I would advise that the consultation period has been extended to July 31st 2013. The final documents are now expected to be considered by the National Park Authority for adoption at their meeting on 26 September 2013.


Sarah Kelly

Landscape Officer."

It appears according to One Voice   News Release and also an article which was to appear in the Lymington Times that the "New Forest National Park Authority’s (NFNPA) latest consultation paper “Landscape Action Plan and Landscape Character Assessment” may prove to be a chilling twist on previously failed plans from 2008 to prescribe just how homes, gardens, paddocks and businesses should look within the ‘landscape’ of the New Forest. " Source OneVoice News Release document.

This draft consultation document is open for comments from 2 April to *13 May 2013. See above now extended to 31st July 2013

From what I'm picking up from Commoners and residents living within the New Forest National Park who will be directly affected should this draft document be passed, there are areas of the document which raise extremely worrying issues for the future of the New Forest.

Here are just a few issues which may concern you and your livestock, New Forest ponies, donkeys, cows, sheep etc. It may also have an effect on dog walking. Here's a small summary document of just a few issues raised as matters of concern by OneVoice

What can I do if I want to object?

  • Write or email to:
    Landscape Action Plan, New Forest National Park Authority, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington, SO41 9ZG; or email
  • Contact Rt Hon Desmond Swayne TD MP House of Commons SW1A 0AA
  • Or email
  • Contact the Lymington Times
    66 Old Milton Road, New Milton, Hampshire BH25 6DX Office opening hours: Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm. Saturday: CLOSED
    Tel: 01425 613384 / Fax: 01425 610257
    Telephone: 01425 615501

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