Mrs Oliver

by Alice Oliver

I can clearly see how and why so many accidents involving animals happen.

I have just cycled through the forest on bank holiday Monday evening (at 6.30 pm). I have witnessed an endless rat run of fast traffic using the forest single lanes to avoid the long delays on the A 31 heading home.

I fear for all the roaming animals grazing around the verges, including mares with foals afoot etc. They are difficult to see and unpredictable. Some of the drivers don't seem to even care and just want to get home! Multiple accidents with frequent animals suffering will increase with more traffic cutting through their habitat, obviously!

Yes of course this is a great tourist area but greater measures should be taken to protect these animals. You can't have it all. Publishing a few driver safety tips is not making any difference the rate of accidents is growing. Action is needed.

It is not fair and very upsetting to anyone who cares.

Thank you for your comments on your horrendous journey across the New Forest on Bank Holiday Monday August 2019. Believe me all Commoners and people who enjoy the new Forest in all its glory share your thoughts totally.
Until more respect is afforded our animals our struggle is very much an uphill battle. However, more awareness is happening and the problem is certainly getting a lot of feedback/action from all concerned.
One of the major problems is people stopping to pet or even FEED the animals. Both a no no as we spend our lives trying to keep our animals away from the roadside when possible. Pulling up, getting out to pet or feed just encourages them to venture more into the danger zones.

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