by Janie Breen Brackin
(Lake Wales, FL)
As in years past the Month of May is devoted to our BRAVE MEN and WOMEN in the Military. My deep heartfelt THANK YOU to ALL . God bless you and the land that we love is my humble prayer. Each one of you are our TRUE HERO'S. I feel that most families have been touched in some way by the terror of war. Many have paid the ultimate price - they gave their ALL.
The way that I am most touched by Memorial Day is the death of my Uncle, John W. Tucker, my Mother's Brother who died in France, WW11, February 22, 1945. At this time I was small - but I can remember the grief and many tears of our Family. Recently I had a Military Chaplain tell me that the hardest task he ever had to do was knock on a door to tell a family of the loss of a loved one. He said "I still have unpleasant dreams of those days - they were devastating".
My Uncle, John W. Tucker was put to rest at Epinal American Cemetery and Memorial, located in France. His Son, Johnny Tucker, traveled to France to view his Dad's grave and see the cemetery. Many years have passed, but memories are still vivid. He was overseas 18 months before his death.
God bless America - land that we love ! - - - Again THANK YOU TO OUR TROOPS EVERYWHERE and our many COURAGEOUS VETERANS who have with whole heartiness protected our freedom. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN ! Submitted by: Janie Breen Brackin - Memorial Day 2010
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